So where are all the solo retired women living abroad?

If you’re like me, you’ve been watching and reading lots of videos and blogs by men who moved alone to countries like the Philippines and Thailand, and you’ve been wondering where are the solo women expats retiring abroad?

There must be some out there, but they just don’t make videos, vlogs, podcasts or write about it, I guess. 

As much as I love all of the wonderfully helpful YouTube channels and blogs written by expat men who retired abroad, they don’t answer many of the questions I have as a solo woman who is not looking for love in Asia, and who doesn’t make as much money in retirement as they do. 

Hence, my decision to fill the void.

My mission is to answer the questions women have regarding making the major decision to move alone abroad, all of the logistics of actually doing it, and real life living on a small fixed income in retirement as a solo woman in a foreign country, intending to stay abroad until death does me part — by writing about my own journey retiring in Thailand.

Join me for the ride! 

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Kelly Portola

Subscribe to Her Expat Retirement with Kelly Portola

Hey there. I'm Kelly Portola, a 60 something American solo retired woman on a small fixed income who decided to move to Thailand for the rest of my life. Come along for the ride!


Hi, I'm Kelly Portola, writer, podcaster & vlogger, audacious enough to think folk want this old lady's hard-earned wisdom & hoping to earn some good karma along the way. Join me. It'll be fun.